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I have some HVM guests on XEN but most of them have memory around or less than 2048 MB. However when I tried to give more than 3200 MB of RAM to them I faced the following message: # xl create /etc/xen/configs/a.conf Parsing config from /etc/xen/configs/a.conf xc: error: panic: xc_dom_boot.c:395: xc_dom_gnttab_hvm_seed: failed to add gnttab

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Download one of Ubuntu 12.04 (multiarch) or Debian 7.0 (multiarch) version from the Skype download page. Add the i386 architecture to your package manager:sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386 Update your package list:sudo apt-get update Try installing the Skype package – will fail on dependency tests, that’s normal!:sudo dpkg -i Downloads/skype-<version>_i386.deb Fix the dependencies and then install

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